The Quilter’s Cozy Corner has relocated. We now have a (3) bedroom trailer. It sits behind the Ottawa Community Building. Don Giles built a beautiful porch and ramp. We have utilized all the rooms. Our front room is where the quilting machine sits; now Vera can see outside while she quilts the blankets. We have 5 of our sewing machines in there as well. The back bedroom is where all our materials are. It’s so nice to have a place to select materials without being in the way of others. The best thing is having all the material in one place. Between the front room and the back bedroom is an area small enough for our bins, where our patterns, laces, already cut blocks and other small items; such as needles and bobbins are put. We have some magazines in that area also. We get some of our best ideals for our quilts out of magazines, so if you have any patterns or magazines please send them to us. On the other end of the trailer we have our cutting room, which allows each of us space to spread our material out; as we try to coordinate what looks well together or just take a look at what it may look like when it’s all put together. All of our cutting tools are there, as well as all of our rulers and cutting pads. There is a small bedroom between that room and the front room which houses 3 more sewing machines. We are all so close to each other we can talk and laugh together. We have a table in the front room kitchen area where we take breaks to munch on goodies and drink coffee. We do a lot of joking and laughing together, just enjoying each other’s company. One more thing we now have is lots of windows; At least one in each room, and more in the front room. We still need more volunteers and/or any items you would want to donate. We usually meet around 8:30 or later if you want, on Tuesday and leave when we want. We eat lunch at our community center. They have good meals and they have a nice salad bar. You can call the Ottawa Office at (918)-540-1536 and they will come and get one of us. If you want, you can just come out and visit us. We would love to show you around and visit with you.