2022 Tag Prices
Must Be a Resident of Oklahoma
Must Provide:
Notarized Title signed by Seller/Buyer
Lien Paperwork
Current Insurance on Vehicle
Copy of Tribal Member’s Tribal Card
Copy of Tribal Member’s current Okla. Driver’s License
(The Insurance, Tribal Card and Driver’s License must
be presented for each time of renewal and each vehicle with no Exceptions)
1st Time Registering Vehicle with Ottawa Tribe
2022-2018 $100.00
2017-2012 $75.00
2011-Older $50.00
Renewal Prices
2022-2018 $75.00
2017-2012 $50.00
2011 – Older $25.00
Handicapped Tags – there is an application that must be filled out and one-time fee of $10.00 for the New Tag.
Personalized Tags - Cost is $10.00 plus renewal fee/Registration Fee
Lien Fee - $25.00 on State of Oklahoma Lien Entry Form
Duplicate Titles - $25.00/per title
If you have any questions, please call the office at 918-540-1536.